Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Your Day!

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl,

Today is your day. Mommy and Daddy wish we could celebrate your day with you. We sure hope Jesus and all the other angel babies in Heaven found some way to make your day special.

Every year we promise to make your day special in its own way. This year, with the help of Aunt Keshia, we put together "Kindness for Kaden Day". People everywhere were encouraged to perform a random act of kindness for someone in your memory on your special day. The response was incredible. Over 3,000 people participated in the event. Mommy and Daddy are so touched.

Today at Mommy's kindergarten class we celebrated "Kindness Day" by creating cards for special people in our school. Only a few of Mommy's students knew it was actually your day. There was one little girl who quietly whispered in Mommy's ear, "I know today is Kaden's day". That simple sentence warmed my heart in a big way. Later that day she whispered again about the Happy Birthday prayer she said to you this morning before school. So sweet.

Earlier this week Mommy was invited to the opening night of the new exhibit at the art gallery in Richmond. "Kaden's Tree of Life" was being unveiled. With the help of the art teacher Mrs. Discepoli, Mommy's former students created a beautiful piece of artwork in memory of you. They plan to hang it near the garden inside the school with a small plaque. Mommy was overwhelmed with hugs from former students, their parents, and teachers from Model Lab School.

Tonight we plan to share your day with our closest friends. We hope we can make it a day of celebration. We hope to laugh as we share funny memories of you. We hope to be reminded of the pure blessing you were to all of us.

We are always reminded that one day we will hold you again in Heaven. We can only imagine what that celebration will be like.

We love you, Sweet KadenLayne!

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